Saturday, April 14, 2012

Feathered Friends...

14. 04. 2012

I love birds if you haven't already guessed!
I love watching them, painting them, and photographing them.
I just find them so beautiful and fascinating! I could watch them all day!

I love going on walks with my camera at hand, taking photos of birds, I don't care what I have to do to get the magic shot, even if it means running after a bird like a maniac in front of a group of people. (This has happened on several occasions, people get a good laugh out of it.)

I particularly LOVE close ups, I like to show intense detail that some people may have never seen before because they have never had the chance to get close enough.

Here are some photos I have taken recently on my walks:

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are so clear and lovely. My favourite bird has always been the eagle due to its power and regal-ness (can I write that?) even though it doesn't have the colour of parrots which I also adore. I think almost every culture upholds birds in some sort of spiritual level- they definitely represent freedom and faith to me (think of the sparrows . . )- who wouldn't want to just take off and soar?!
